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Who this program is for:
  • You are newly sober and are feeling shaky in your sobriety and want to create a solid foundation.
  • You have been sober for a while but do not have the mental, emotional, and spiritual recovery you are wanting.
  • You want to have all the tools necessary to go anywhere and do anything while still rooted in your recovery.
  • You want to feel a sense of ease and peace as you move through your day and have the ability to shift your state when necessary.
  • You are longing to create a joyful life you are excited about living but don't know where to start.
A 6 Module Course Empowering You to Thrive in Your Sobriety and Create the Life of Your Dreams.
So you got sober. THAT'S HUGE. Now what?

It's a whole new world and you may been feeling like a babe in the woods: uneasy, anxious, foggy, wondering how you will ever have fun again, unsure of how you will deal with the stress/circumstances/thoughts that gave you so many reasons to abuse substances. I GET IT. There is a solution and we do recover. The path to happy, joyous, and free is a lot shorter than most people know. I would love to show you the way. 

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Can You Relate?
  • You are newly sober or may have been sober for a while but you want more than to "just be sober", you want to be HAPPY. 
  • You are wanting a sober life but are afraid that "fun" is somehow a thing of the past.
  • You are so ready to have the tools for emotional sobriety and a physically rooted, even cellular recovery. You want a life you are excited about living.
You know things need to change...
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You are done being in a place of uncertainty and overwhelm and want some solid tools and solutions to shift. 

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You are sick and tired of waking up restless, irritable, and discontent and you wonder what's the point of being sober if this is how you are going to feel.

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You vacillate between feeling guilt and shame about the past or feeling full of fear about the future.

I know what itā€™s like to feel lost and broken. I can assure you that you are not broken. You do have the potential to be broken open to your greatness and I canā€™t wait to show you how.
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A 6 Module Course for Sober People Ready to Thrive in Recovery and Create a Wonderful Sober Life without Years of Suffering or Struggling.
Here's what you get when you join:
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Instant access to the complete Namaste Sober program
(value = $1997)
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Lifetime updates
(value = $997)

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Power Practices to shift your state/mindset within minutes
(value = $397)

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Bonus #1: Downloadable Gratitude Journal to keep the focus on what's good
(value = $27)
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Bonus #2: Daily Habit Tracker to create structure around the new life you are creating 
(value = $47)
When you add that all up, it comes out to a value of $3465,
but you can enroll today for a special investment of $197.



One Payment




3 Monthly Payments

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Hey there, I'm Lila.

I hit rock bottom in 2008. After years of active alcoholism and drug addiction, my life was small. I was in a state of paranoia and agoraphobia, and I spent an enormous amount of time in a bathrobe. It wasn’t cute and I wasn’t happy. I felt hopeless and was in a near constant state of despair. 


I was able to get sober. Which was huge but I found myself asking “Now what?”. I knew that drugs and alcohol, which used to be my solution for the myriad of thoughts and feelings swirling constantly, were not working, but I didn’t have anything that was working. 


I needed tools if I was going to stay sober, and I needed even more tools if I was going to create a life that I actually wanted to live. The road was rocky and there wasn't a road-map to get to the place I really wanted to be (happy, joyous, and free)...so I created one.


Today I am living a life I am excited about. My new normal is one of peace, contentment, and joy. Not only have I achieved long term sobriety, I have the tools to handle life on life's terms, moving through the challenges of being human with grace and ease. I wake up excited about the day ahead and grateful for the life I have. 


I am not special. I believe this type of recovery is possible for everyone. I want to show you how.


You Are Currently in the Hallway

You have shut the door on the life you were leading, but you haven't yet started your new life in recovery.

You know what you decide to do in this "in between" time will determine if you stay sober or if you go back to your old life.

The Hallway can be dark and scary or it can be a place of magic. 

Imagine how it would feel to...
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Know exactly what to do to shift your state when you feel triggered, anxious, depressed, restless, irritable, and discontent.


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Have the freedom of being able to go anywhere and do anything feeling rooted in your recovery because your new normal is one of peace, ease, balance, serenity, and joy. 


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Wake up rested, excited for the day ahead, and thrilled about the life you are creating, having found joy in living again. 

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It's ALL Possible for You. I want to help.
The results speak for themselves...
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"Lila was my first yoga teacher in sobriety and as a yoga practitioner. I walked in with very low self worth, and completely wrapped up in any story of how much I sucked I could find. Lila's grounded, loving, and accessible yoga teaching style made me feel like I finally found something that could unearth possibility and inspiration in my life. It's easy to teach a yoga class but Lila is able to transmit a feeling that isn't easy to do. Fast forward, I'm 5 years sober and a thriving yoga teacher myself. I could not have done it without her, and I will be forever grateful for stumbling upon her guidance." 

Megan W. 

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"Lila is the best yoga instructor, period! I was a little anxious because it was my first "real yoga class", but she immediately put me right at ease! She has an extraordinary ability to make the class light and fun, while also allowing the spiritual aspects to really resonate in a meaningful way. I also discovered the natural "high" you feel afterwards, and it blew me away. It's so much more than a "buzz" because you feel more open and alive to the world around you! 10 out of 10 - would recommend to everyone I know!"

Nate P.

Ready to change your life?
Here's how it all shakes out...
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Coming Home 

The True Meaning of Being Grounded

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • Physical Focus: Coming home to our bodies and creating stability. The meaning of embodiment and how to do it.
  • Emotional Focus: Regulating the nervous system and short practices to relieve anxiety, depression, and irritability FAST.
  • Mental Focus: Being Honest about our former addictive life and getting clear on current addictive behaviors we engage in without the substances. How awareness is the first step to freedom.
  • Spiritual Focus: Our Hope for Healing. Practices and Rituals to encourage both. How to create Sacred Space for our journey together.
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Getting Solid

How Becoming Unshakable Starts with Cultivating an Inner Fortitude. 

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • Physical Focus: How to develop a strong core no matter what your physical ability is today.
  • Emotional Focus: Willingness and Will Force. How to sense your personal power and practices for being confident, reliable, and responsible. The difference between right action and surrender and finding a balance of both.
  • Mental Focus: Goal Setting for the Life you want to create. Transforming Inertia into Action. How to be Proactive instead of Reactive or Inactive.
  • Spiritual Focus: how to create Faith when there isn't any. The incredible power of choice and cultivating the confidence to choose.
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A Big Hearted Life

Tapping Into the Heart To Create the Life You Want to Live.

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • Physical Focus: Practices for Opening and Clearing out the Heart. Dealing with Heartbreak, Betrayal, and Resentment. 
  • Emotional Focus: How to cultivate courage so that you can show up and do the hard things to continue to move forward.
  •  Mental Focus: Self-Awareness around Fear and how to move forward in spite of it. Getting in touch with what you love as a foundation to create the life you love. 
  • Spiritual Focus: Love and Forgiveness. The rituals that make these intangible and often hard to reach concepts a reality.
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Standing Tall and Speaking Out

Cultivating a Life of Integrity and Grace

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • Physical Focus: The power of mantra and how it can shift your energy swiftly. How to create a playlist that puts you in a high vibe state.
  • Emotional Focus: Humility and Integrity; How to stand your ground and speak your truth in a way that doesn't cause drama or harm others.
  • Mental Focus: Recognizing where you are out of integrity in your life and small adjustments to bring you back to center. Identifying the one thought/belief that is holding you back and jamming you up and engaging a powerful practice to transform it. How to use affirmations effectively.
  • Spiritual Focus: Creating Boundaries as a way to honor and protect your life force. How to Speak your Truth with Integrity, Humility, and Kindness.
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The Gifts of Intuition

How the Inner Guide Can Lead the Way

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • Physical Focus: Committing to a 40 day practice, why 40 days and what to expect.
  • Emotional Focus:  Integration of what you have learned thus far. How the “no matter what” mantra can keep you on the path of recovery.
  • Mental Focus: A simple ritual for getting answers from the Universe. How to remove the doubt from the plan of action.
  • Spiritual Focus: Discipline and Perseverance: How to incorporate rituals for a healthy life. Making your bed and other simple self-care rituals as a foundation to thrive.
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It's all about Love and Service

The Way to a Wonderful and Fulfilling Sober Life

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • Physical Focus:  How to Create a Physical Practice you are excited about doing daily.
  • Emotional Focus:  How to uncover what it is that you are truly here to give. How giving selflessly builds self-esteem.
  • Mental Focus: Where can I serve? Oprah's Mantra and Building a sustainable gratitude practice.
  • Spiritual Focus: Awareness and Service. Picking one cause that you are passionate about and getting involved. How service can be the balm that soothes the soul.
You're also going to get access to:

Downloadable Gratitude Journal to keep your focus on what's good and working


Daily Habit Tracker to create structure around the new life you are creating 

Ready to change your life & thrive?
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"I was totally new to yoga and having a hard time motivating myself in the midst of juggling work stress, meltdowns of a toddler, and recurring back pain. Two months ago, I started doing just 15 minutes of daily yoga with Lila, and the experience has been truly transformational. My body has become stronger, my mind feels more peaceful and calm, and I really enjoy every minute of my practice with her and look forward to it each day! Lila is an amazing teacher with a very genuine, down-to-earth, easily understandable approach to yoga. This is the best thing I have done for myself physically and mentally in recent years, and I'm incredibly grateful to her."

Eunice D. 

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"Lila opened my being to a world of yoga I did not think was available to me. We met through common personal acquaintances. When I found out she was a yoga teacher, I asked her if she could help me as I had gone to some retreats and taken some classes and really wanted to bring yoga into my life. We then began exploration into yoga through 1:1 teaching that made yoga more accessible to me than I thought possible. The very clear instruction of both the philosophical basis and the physical forms of the poses and movement of yoga have been like nothing I have ever experienced. Today I can do yoga on my own - without an instructor or walk into any class and feel comfortable. To this day, when I practice, I often hear her voice (and not only when practicing to a recording of the work we did) as Lila is my yoga GURU!!!!!"

Andrew H.

Frequently Asked Questions
Ready to change your life and thrive?
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One Payment




3 Monthly Payments

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A 6 Module Course for Sober People Ready to Thrive in Recovery and Create a Wonderful Sober Life without Years of Suffering or Struggling.